Where to start? I've had a pain in my right side of my rib cage for weeks now. I thought it was an old rib injury I got when I was attacked at the movie theater by some teen thugs on a "field trip" from a drug rehab clinic.
But this is different. The pain grew worse last night (tonight it's 3:51 AM as I write) and I've been having difficulty breathing. Like many people in Hollywood struggling to make it I don't have health insurance so I'll be checking into a hospital via America's only safety net, the emergency room.
I need to call a sitter for my adorable dog Sophia and I want to hold out going to hospital until I can...ARGGH! Comedian to the end could not resist. But seriously the writing does distract me from the pain and Mandy my dog sitter is likely not going to be up until 7 AM. Whatever the hell this is can wait three hours.
I have no idea what's wrong with me. I've led a stressful life and at age 57 things may be catching up with me.
I've grown to love writing these blogs for you and for myself. I hope to see you all again on the other side. But if not there's some people I want to say goodbye to.
First my amazing brother Fred who you've reading about in many posts. I'll miss you most of all if I don't pull through this hospital ordeal. You've been a tower of strength when I've needed you most. The anchor who kept me grounded. Well, as grounded as a crazy guy like me can be:)
Next my two kids, Jon and Janelle. Janelle's the artist who did my portrait you see in the blog. I am sorry my journey to Hollywood has taken me so far from Chicago these last 7 years. My dream has been to build a film company I could leave you. I hope to get well and finish what I started for you. You are both so talented. I'd love to grow this Hollywood/BuzzBroz thing to the point where it could support us all.
Next my Mom and Dad and my steps. You've all been so wonderful. And I hope people who read this blog know how much I love my dad despite how tough he was on me as a kid. He lost his father at young age and never had the right kind of teacher on how to be a dad. We made our peace years ago thanks to his heart transplant.
Next, my dear Uncle Jim. I am so sorry this has all taken so long to get going that we've run aground in the worst recession of our lives. I must get well to pay you back.
Next my buddy backer Rick Cavenaugh. You've become as close to me as a brother. I love you for the great human being you are and thank you for your faith in my talent. More than any backer should, you've stuck with me as the economy has cut us both down to size.
I still want to bounce back from whatever is making take this trip to the ER and get you and the other great guys, Lee, Steve, Gerry, Paul, Jeff, John, Greg, Dan, Jim, John, John (no medical typo I'm blessed with three John's as backers) and Bill. We really spent so little money in terms of the possibilities I still believe I will make this work if fate sees me through this mess. Actually with the many screenplays I wrote out here in my bookcase maybe you don't really need me to pull through to make your money back:)
Hey to my great partner for the DISCOVER ME pilot, John Amodeo. What an honor it is to have you in my corner. You've taught me so much and been one of the best friends I've ever had.
And to my new partner and friend Tom Katsis, Abe in my new web series www.lincolnisback.com, I guess this is going to slow us down a tad, pal. Keep 'em crossed but worst case at least we got half the episodes up before this unexpected break.
Living in Agoura Hills, just outside the insanity of LA has been glorious. I want to say hi to all my great neighbors and the friendly staff at Archstone. I've met great people like Nick and Jessica, Shawn and Sahuna, Gilles and Randall, Al, Anne and Richard. You're all a joy.
Well, there's of course more I'd like to say but it's getting kinda weird. I hope to be back to you soon dear readers.
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