As my followers know, it's been a rough past year for me. I was evicted last fall from an apartment I loved nestled in Agoura Hills. I led an ideal creative life in Agoura writing a dozen screenplays, making three feature length docs and over 100 short films. So losing all that was rough on me.
But I've slowly been rebuilding my life via a new SMM venture called BuzzBroz, with a lot of help from some amazing pepople talked about in this blog at great length. As part of that SMM work I started a group of projects I call "Let's Watch Radio." that you can read about on my BuzzBroz blog.
But since last fall I've been so busy with cleaning up the mess in my life that I've not done any fictional work in over a year. So it is with great pleasure I present to you my newest political satire SCARCITY.
SCARCITY is set in a dark near term future where China has called in America's loans, decimating our economy and the very fabric of our society. The scary thing is SCARCITY is not a huge stretch of the imagiantion. It stars two amazing young actors Ramon Govea Gomez and Brett Collier. And also an amazing old actor Tom Katsis.

The idea for SCARCITY is somethig I've been working out since today's crazy jobless recovery cost me a home I loved and my beautiful little dog Sophia, who I found a wonderful home for.
When I moved to North Hollywood, renting a small studio / bedroom to cut down costs, after being used to a mansion of an apartment, I began wandering the area and came across an amazing find. A grocery store going under in the bad economy. It closes this week and looks like something out of the Great Depression.
A ready made set! After challenging a bunch of writers to give me a story about SCARCITY and coming up dry I began to wrack my brains for a story I'd write myself. One day at the store I learned there was only 10 days left until the amazing Great Depression set would be gone. As I shopped the sad store I came across a lone can of olives perched on a entirely empty shelf and the script idea for two competing shoppers came to me.
SCARCITY was born. As I'm fighting to scratch out a living, as is everyone in my cast, we worked fast and cheap. I shot with my trusty Flip, did the ADR in Tom's Saab in the parking lot and edited the whole film together in less than 24 hours.
I hope you enjoy SCRACITY.
Yes. I did enjoy Scarcity. Thanks for your film, and your creative genius. ( :